In Newfoundland we use a small but
very successful family run outfitter in the northwest. They use 6 camps, 5
of which are only accessible by helicopter or float plane. Most hunts are
done by foot so this should be considered as far as physical condition. Last
year's success rate was 95% on Moose and
100% on Caribou, so a successful hunt
is anticipated. Some of the largest Black Bear
in North America come from Newfoundland and can be added to either hunt. About
25% of the hunters take a bear. These are not baited hunts. All packages include
lodging, meals, float plane or helicopter transport to and from camp, guide
fees (1x1), license, care and transport of meat. Hunts are for one week.
Successful hunters have bagged the number 4 all time Pope and Young
Caribou and the number 9 Boone and Crockett
Caribou as well as several other recordbook animals.
Add bear for $400
Many 40 inch Moose
are taken and some over 50 inches. The island population is estimated
at 120,000 and non-resident licenses are only available through
Add bear for $400
Spring Bear Hunt with Atlantic Salmon and Trout Fishing
New area - never hunted before. Excellent opportunity to photo moose
and caribou.
Bears average 300 to 500lbs - $1500
Combination packages available
Moose and Caribou - $5,300
Add a Bear for $400