Over 1000 species
of birds have been identified in northern Mexico including: Bare-Throated
Tiger Herons, Rufescent Herons, Great Blue Herons, Great Black Hawks,
Solitary Eagles, White Tailed Hawk, Bat Falcons, Laughing Falcons, Crested
Caracaras, Scaled Quail, Montezuma Quail, Sora, Claper Rail, Lilac-Crowded
Parrots, Military Macaws, Great Roadrunners, Mangrove Cuckoos, Squirrel
Cuckoos. From the Hummingbird family we have: Brod Bille, White Eared,
Berylline, Violed, etc. Eared Quetzal, Russet-Crowned Motmot, Belted
and Green Kingfisher, and many more.