Delaware is a hotbed for Ducks, Canadian
Geese and especially Snow Geese.
Our outfitter here also hunts the Eastern Shore of Maryland which in
some hunts may enable you to double your take of game.
thousands of geese at day break. Descend to the decoys in one of the
many thousands of acres of fields available to hunt.
Snow goose populations are incredible, and bag limits are high to
allow you plenty of opportunity for shooting. Canada geese are also
plentyful in the area.
Hunt cypress swamps, highland creeks and saltwater marsh ponds for
Mallards, Woodies, Blacks and other species of ducks.
Goose Hunts:
$75/gun, minimum 3 or 4 hunters.
1 Goose limit per hunter.
Snow Goose Hunts:
$600 for 4 to 6 hunters.
15 Goose limit per hunter.